Painting your home to sell

File:Homes For Sale Gautier Ms.JPGAre you getting ready to sell your home?  Have you considered adding a fresh paint of coat to possibly raise the value of your home?  If you haven’t you may want to think again.  Cosmetic painting is just what your home may need to obtain some potential buyers.  If you think about it, if you are currently house hunting, you most definitely may be looking for a house that has a stellar interior.  Who wants a home that has walls that are cracked and peeling and just unnattractive? I am sure no one unless you are planning on fixing up yourself.

Here are some excellent tips when it comes to painting your home in order to sell especially specific colors that land a “SOLD” on your for sale sign:

First off, you want colors that catches the buyer’s eye immediately.  This can potentially make the sale or break it so it’s good to research high and low the colors you plan on using.

  • If all else fails, stick with neutral colors.  They are the most common colors which can potentially “increase the sale of your home” according to Jennifer Eblin over at eHow.  The nice thing about neutral colors is it gives the buyer an opportunity to paint the home in the colors they desire.  It’s a win-win situation in that area.
  • Contrasting colors are nice if you as the seller are trying to make some sort of statement to the potential buyer.  They may love the contrasts or it may turn them off. Hopefully the colors will attract those with the same tastes as you.  A variety is always nice, sometimes you dont’ want to do what everyone else is doing, especially in your neighborhood.
  • Complementary colors are great because they can work with your current colors.  Complementary colors add a “polished” look which can really attract buyers to your home.

For more info on how to sell your home using paint, check out “Interior Paint Colors that help Sell your Home” over at

Source: eHow

Image: Wikimedia Commons

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