How to remove mold/mildew from exterior walls

Image by Ralphy Ceballos

Okay, so we know that mold and mildew can become an absolute thorn in our sides when it grows on our windows and doors.   What about exterior walls?  How can mold and mildew possibly be removed and without any hassles?  Here are a few tips on how to zap mold and mildew on your exterior walls:

Tips on removing mold and mildew

  • First, you want to scrub any visible mold and mildew with some sort of scrub brush.  Also, fill a bucket with liquid soap, liquid bleach, and water to begin the actual scrubbing process.
  • Next, you want to rinse with a hose thoroughly.
  • Go over extremely difficult areas thoroughly with a handbrush.  Pay close attention to any wooden trim and soffits.
  • For areas that absolutely will not come clean, use a paint scraper and a wire brush.
  • Hose the area you have been scraping and cleaning.  Do a really good job of rinsing before applying paint or sealer.
  • Hire a professional to power wash your exterior walls and surface for a complete cleaned look.

For more tips on how to effectively clean your exterior walls and surfaces check out the Natural Handy Man.

Source: eHow

Image: Wikimedia Commons

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