How is Black Mold Affecting your Home?


Here’s the scoop on black mold and how it hurts not only your home but your health as well. Black mold is one of the most heard of toxic molds because it grows in and on the exterior of houses and is extremely dangerous to humans. Some of the many reported illnesses associated with black mold when ingested or inhaled are; headaches, cough/ cold, nasal congestion, skin and eye irritation, dyspnea, and asthma.

Black mold flourishes in a common home, as this is the perfect growing environment. Black mold is commonly transferred into homes by wind through doorways, windows, and ventilation systems. Mold requires moisture to grow, and can thrive on homes anywhere.

Preventing black mold in your home is essential, so why trust just anyone to do the job? Krystal Klean has done more than keep homes clean and beautiful for more than a decade, they’ve also been keeping homes healthy for families all over Jacksonville. Krystal clean is a family owned business and has been trusted to keep homes clear of black mold since 2001. Why trust anyone when the best is available to you; Krystal Klean offers waterproofing, window cleaning, and pressure washing services that are sure to clean your home of any toxic mold the first time around.

Mold can cause health problems. Krystal Klean is experienced in mold removal.
Mold can cause health problems. Krystal Klean is experienced in mold removal. Source: Wikipedia.

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