Jalali Hartman

28 Feb: Eco-Friendly Paint

Are you a fan of living a “green” lifestyle? If so, did you know that there is an eco-friendly way of painting your house? Believe it or not there is such a thing as eco-friendly paint

23 Feb: Types of windows

Have you ever stared at your windows and thought; “I definitely need new windows, but what is the best type of window for my house?’ This can be tricky as there are a variety of windows to choose from. But what would look good on your house? Before making any decisions let’s take a look at a few types of windows available on the market today

21 Feb: Homemade glass and window cleaner

Have you ever discovered that you are all out of certain cleaners on the quest to clean your home? Maybe you were about to clean the windows and discovered you are completely out of window and glass cleaner. I have been there and it’s so very frustrating isn’t it? Soap and water just leaves nasty streaks and who wants that? Not me and surely not you either

11 Feb: The best time to paint the outside of your house

Obviously you don’t want to paint when it is raining, foggy, soggy, or moist. This should be common sense as painting wet surfaces only result in sloppy work. If you are unsure of what the forecast holds for your painting project it would be best to find that out a head of time so you can make proper plans.

03 Feb: How to use a pressure washer

Before you go and purchase a pressure washer let’s take a brief look at the definition of a pressure washer and what it exactly entails.

According to Wikipedia a pressure washer is a “mechanical sprayer that uses high-pressure water to clean and remove mold, grime, dust, mud, and dirt from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles, and concrete road surfaces.”

02 Feb: Household tips for streak free glass and windows

Washing windows or anything that contains glass can be a challenging task. How so? Well, how many times after washing your windows etc., have you encountered nasty streaks? Streaks are fortunately easy to prevent with a little attention to detail. Here are some handy tips to avoid those unsightly streaks according to Handy Household Hints.

28 Jan: Does the type of paint you use make a difference?

Believe it or not the type of paint you use absolutely makes a difference. Why? Well a good example of this would be using paint that you would use on metal buildings on a baby’s nursery. You definitely do not want to make this mistake as there is a variety of paint out there for specific projects. Let me break down different kinds of paint that you would use on specific projects to give you an idea how it makes a difference.